
The Constitution of the UAE ensured women rights and enshrined the principle of equality between men and women in line with their respective natures, upholding their access to education, jobs, social and health benefits, and holding government offices. Women also enjoy the same legal status, claim to titles, access to education, the right to practice professions, and the right to inherit property as men. (attachment)

Discrimination and Hatred
The UAE Combating Discrimination and Hatred Law prohibits all gender based Discrimination. (attachment)
Political Participation
  • Voting System
    • The right to vote and stand for elections: Men and women have the right to vote and stand for elections in the Federal National Council of the United Arab Emirates since the beginning of the electoral experience in 2006
  • Women in Parliament
    • As per a directive by HH Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the UAE, Emirati women must occupy 50 % of the Federal National Council’s (Parliament) seats, 20 seats for men and 20 for women April 2019. (attachment)
  • Ministerial representation
    • Men and women have the right to hold cabinet post (29.5 % female ministers).
  • Women on boards
    • Cabinet resolution on women’s representation in the boards of federal entities and institutions 2012 (attachment)
    • Resolution by the Securities and Commodities Authority on the representation of women in companies operating in securities markets 2015 (attachment)
Labour Laws
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  • Discrimination in work place
    • UAE labour law prohibits discrimination between employees, which would weaken equal access to employment and promotion opportunities and continue to have equal rights. The law also prohibits gender discrimination in similar jobs. (attachment)
  • Dismissal for pregnancy
    • UAE labour law prohibits termination of women’s contract because of pregnancy. (attachment)
  • Legal restrictions on women’s work
    • All the restrictions on women working at night hours, working in a broad and subjective category of jobs deemed hazardous, arduous or morally or socially inappropriate and Women working in the mining, construction, manufacturing, energy, water, and agriculture and transportation sectors has been removed to give the Women the right to work in these industries. (attachment)
  • Equal Pay
  • Equal Pay for Equal Work
    • Article (32) from the labor law has been amended to give the women the right to get equal pay for equal work (attachment)
  • Nurseries
    • Cabinet resolution on nurseries in government entities 2006 (attachment)
  • Maternity Leaves
    • Resolution on amending maternity leaves to become 12 paid weeks 2017 (attachment)
  • Parental leave & Paternity Leave
    • Article (74) from the labor law granted the employee in the private sector a paid 'parental leave' for a period of five working days to care for the child, due from the date of the child's birth until the completion of six months. (attachment)
Judiciary System
The government issued a Federal Decree on equality in representation in the judiciary sector. (attachment)
Access to credit:
UAE Central Bank Notice to all banking and financial institutions (1st September 2019): “in support of the UAE’s objectives of achieving gender equality and no discrimination as a sustainable approach, banks and other financial institutions are required to provide services to their individuals and business-owner customers, from both genders, equally with no discrimination. The notice instructed that banks to develop policies and procedures that promote gender equality and prohibits gender discrimination in all banking and financial transactions, including loans and credit facilities.” (attachment)
Criminals Laws
Sexual Harassment
  • In Public places
    • According to UAE panel code (Article 359) Shall be sentenced to detention for a maximum period of one year and/or to a fine not in excess of ten thousand dirhams, whoever molests a female in an indecent way by words or acts in a public road or in a frequented place. (attachment)
  • In work place
    • The sexual harassment has been criminalized in the penal code law. The law defines harassment as a sign of a sexual connotation by a person to any other person that harms their body including through modern technology. (attachment)
Personal Status:
  • Apply for a passport
    • Article (37) from the Federal Law No. (17) Of 1972 concerning Nationality and Passports has been abrogated to grant women a separate passport without consent of her husband. (attachment)
  • Travel outside the country
    • There are no restrictions on women travelling alone internationally. (attachment)
  • Travel outside her home
    • There are no restrictions on women travelling alone domestically (attachment)
  • Choose where to live
    • There are no restrictions on women choosing where to live. (attachment)
  • Women ability to work
  • Head of Family Access Source
    • It is the responsibility of the head of the family (father or mother) to issue an identity card (attachment) (attachment)
  • Marriage Age
    • According to personal status law clause 30, (The minimum age of marriage is 18 years for both male and female) (attachment)
Protection from Family Violence Law
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UAE issued family violence law that protect all family members with no gender based discrimination. (attachment)